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"So what makes non-toxic hair color and products better?"

We get asked this often and love to share the difference choosing to use cleaner haircare products can make for yourself and the environment!


Things we don’t use or choose to use in very limited amounts at Rooted:


Ammonia is used in almost all color lines to swell the hair in order to allow hair dye to penetrate the cuticle. Exposure to ammonia can cause coughing, nose and throat irritation, and repeated exposure can lead to chronic respiratory tract irritation, asthma, and other conditions. Most salons and indoor environments are not equipped with proper ventilation for its use. At Rooted, we choose to use safer alternatives to ammonia while achieving the same or better results without the harsh exposure to this chemical.  (New York Department of Health, 2011)


Short for para-phenyenediamine, this product is used to create pigment in hair.

Typically there is more ppd contained in darker colors.

PPD is a known allergen and can cause skin sensitivity.

People with color allergies or sensitivities are usually allergic/sensitive to this specific ingredient. We are proud to offer PPD-free or nearly-indictable levels of PPD in all of our formulas.  (Birkett, 2023)


Resorcinol is a hazardous chemical and can be toxic to our immune system. It is commonly used to help bond dye to hair enabling it to become permanent.

Resorcinol can cause thyroid issues by causing it to enlarge and swell.

This product is generally prohibited in almost all cosmetics in the EU.

It is also a known skin sensitizer and allergen.

It is especially toxic to wildlife and marine environments.

We are proud to offer resorcinol-free services at Rooted. (EWG, 2024)


These are preservatives found in many cosmetic and haircare products. 

They can interfere with the endocrine system. Although it can be difficult to completely eliminate their use, we try to use products containing these ingredients in very low quantities at Rooted. (Better Not Younger, 2021)


These are plastics/solvents used to give elasticity to haircare products.

Studies show these can affect endocrine and reproductive hormones. 

Although it can be difficult to completely eliminate their use, we try to use products containing these ingredients in very low quantities at Rooted. (SEEN, 2024)


New York Department of Health (2011, March 1). The Facts About Ammonia. New York Department Of Health. Retrieved August 9, 2024, from


Birkett, S. (2023, January 18). What is PPD in hair dye and why you should avoid it. Its Elixir. Retrieved August 9, 2024, from


Environmental Working Group (2024, January 1). What is Resorcinol. EWG Skin Deep. Retrieved August 9, 2024, from,and%20can%20produce%20goitrogenic%20effects.


Better Not Younger (2021, March 22). The Truth Behind Sulfates and Parabens.,impact%20fertility%20and%20reproductive%20organs.


SEEN Developed By Dr. Iris Rubin (2024, January 1). Phthalates in Hair Products And Why You Should Avoid It. SEEN. Retrieved August 9, 2024, from


This fact sheet is based on the most current information. It may be updated as new information becomes available.


"Does it work just as well as regular color?"

YES! Choosing to use non-toxic hair color and haircare does not mean you have to sacrifice performance. We hear often and time and time again from our clients that their hair is, in fact, healthier and more vibrant than ever before after switching to the lines that we use (Organic Colour Systems, Original Mineral, and more!).  You can rest assured knowing that you won't have to choose between having great hair and exposing yourself to potentially harmful chemicals with our carefully selected products. 

"If I'm allergic to traditional haircolor, can I use your products?"

Our best answer: maybe! We find that many people that have a color allergy tend to be allergic to the ingredient PPD. Being that we have access to PPD-free lines, there is a good chance you will have success at our salon, but sometimes there are sensitivities to other ingredients as well that may present an issue. We encourage you to schedule a Color Consultation where we can perform a patch test to determine if our color line is safe for your use.

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